Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Visit to The Louvre

Today we went to The Louvre (Le Louvre), in my opinion the greatest collection of art that exists.  30,000 pieces of art and statues in a gargantuan estate that lies in a slice of historic heaven.  I had been to the Louvre before but it was a long time ago.  Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take pictures of the current main attraction at the Louvre, Rembrandt's collections of paintings of Jesus Christ.  Rembrandt was a Dutch artist who lived in the 1600s.  What a fascinating collection this is.  The art brings Christ and His life to life and you look at the work and just realize that these are timeless masterpieces.  There are both oil color paintings and black and white sketches.  My favorite painting was of Christ when he meets the woman taken in adultery.  I felt the Spirit of the Lord when I saw this painting, telling me about the love and willingness to forgive that Jesus has for each one of us.  Each person shown in that painting powerfully conveyed his/her feelings at that moment.  Furthermore, the majesty and humbleness of the Savior of the world showed through in a powerful, touching way.

After visiting this collection, I quickly covered the halls containing works of Italian and other European artists, as well as Napoleon's apartments (I have been in some lavish places, and the room that you see in the picture here is at the top of the list).  The following paintings are shown here: Mona Lisa, the Coronation of Napoleon (love this painting), and Madame Vigee and Julia.  Statues galore rounded out the visit.  What an amazing place - so glad I was able to go here today!

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