Saturday, 28 November 2015

Nov. 28, 2015 -- Last Sunday I had a special experience that I wanted to write about.  We were sitting in church waiting for Sacrament Meeting to start, when one of our stake high councilors who is also in our ward, grabbed me and asked me to come talk with him.  We went to the back of the chapel in the overflow area.  I was very surprised that he had asked me to talk with him and it all went very quickly.  He indicated that he was extending to me a new calling (assignment), one in which I would work with other leaders in a presidency.  He did not mention who the other presidency members would be.  I was shocked because I had not expected to receive a new calling.  We will likely move to a new city next summer and I was very comfortable in my current calling.  In my current calling, I also am able to be with my son, Benjamin, so I was concerned about his well-being as with this new calling, I wouldn't be with him any longer.  However, with some hesitancy, I accepted the call.  

I was pondering these events as Sacrament Meeting began, still a bit unsure about what had transpired.  After the Sacrament was administered, I watched as a brother stood to give his talk.  As he approached the pulpit, I received a distinct impression that I would serve with this brother and that he would be the leader of our presidency.  I knew that this impression came from the Holy Ghost.  

Fast forward to Thanksgiving Day.  We enjoyed a great Thanksgiving meal with this brother's family and a few other families from our ward.  Before the meal, this brother and I were speaking and he asked me how I felt about my new calling.  Apparently, he thought that I had been told whom I would be serving with.  I told him that I had not been told whom I would be serving with but that the Spirit had told me that he would be the leader of our presidency.  He thought that was a wonderful thing.  

This was a choice and timely experience for me.  It reaffirmed to me God's love for me and for all of us.  I felt so happy that He trusted me enough to communicate with me spirit to spirit and that I had recognized that communication.  Like most of us, I often struggle to know if the Lord is speaking to me, and this message was confirmation that He was speaking to me and that I could recognize His timely messages.  Finally, I gained strength and reassurance for a calling that I felt hesitant to accept.  

It was also reaffirmed to me how important it is to be clean: "Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord." (Doctrine and Covenants 133:5).  Also, "Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven." (Doctrine and Covenants 121:45).  I believe that we have to be clean, repentant, and seeking for virtue and the Spirit to be ready to receive the Lord's words for us.  

I am so thankful for this experience, one of the most sacred of my life.   

Sunday, 19 July 2015

A day in Hiram and Kirtland, Ohio

I enjoyed a beautiful day in Hiram and Kirtland, Ohio, where some of the first members of the LDS church lived from 1831-1837.  This was a fundamental learning period in the earliest days of the church, where 65 sections of the current Doctrine and Covenants were revealed.  A major instigator for the settlement of Kirtland was when Parley P. Pratt and three other missionaries passed through Kirtland to call on Sidney Rigdon.  The missionaries shared the gospel with Sidney Rigdon and he eventually joined the church along with 100 others.  Later, Joseph Smith received the revelation for the Saints to relocate to Ohio, which later became canonized as Section 38.  The Saints were very poor, yet they sacrificed tremendously and completed the first temple of this dispensation in Kirtland in 1836.  It was wonderful to visit these sacred places and I felt great appreciation and a nice spirit as I visited them.  In particular, I felt a special spirit in the School of the Prophets, where many revelations were received, including the Word of Wisdom.  God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith at least four times during the Kirtland period - see for details.  

Snow home.  Lorenzo Snow, who became the fifth president of the church was born and raised here.  Near Hiram, Ohio.  Privately owned.
  John and Ezra Johnson home, near Hiram, Ohio.  Many revelations received in this home.  This picture is from the bedroom where Joseph and Emma Smith were sleeping when Joseph and his friend Sidney Rigdon were extracted from the house in the middle of the night by an angry mob. They were subsequently tarred and feathered and received other brutal treatment. Joseph's response to this the following day was to preach an hour long sermon in the same town on forgiving others. Some mob members were in attendance at the sermon.  An incredible example.

 At the Newel and Elizabeth Whitney store (Kirtland), where the Whitneys hosted Joseph and Emma Smith for approx. 1 year.  Shoes did not have left and right specific shoes during this period. 
 Whitney store
 Upper room in the Whitney store, which became known as the room that hosted the School of the Prophets.  The leaders of the church met here for instruction.  With frequent tobacco use in the small room, Joseph Smith inquired to the Lord about whether this was a suitable practice.  Joseph Smith received a revelation that tobacco was not good for the body, which later became codified as Doctrine and Covenants Section 89.  After Joseph told his brethren about the revelation, they all broke their pipes in two and threw them in the fireplace.  
 Another view of the School of the Prophets room.
 Newel and Elizabeth Whitney home.  Joseph and Emma lived here with the Whitneys for approx. two years.  The first patriarchal blessing of this dispensation was given in this room.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ also appeared in this home (Doctrine and Covenants Section 76).  
 Painting depicting Jesus Christ appearing to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple, April 3, 1836 (Doctrine and Covenants Section 110).
 Kirtland temple.  Owned by the Community of Christ.  Good relationship between LDS church and Community of Christ.  Temple is in good shape.  Two main floors of temple each have four rows of elevated pulpits on either side of the rooms.  One side of pulpits are designated for the Melchizedek Priesthood.  The other side of pulpits are designated for the Aaronic Priesthood.  Approx. 1000 people crammed into the lower floor for the temple dedication in 1836.   
Morley Farm area, where Joseph and Emma moved following their stay in Kirkland proper of several years.  Joseph continued with translation of the Bible here at the Morley schoolhouse (building no longer exists).  Joseph gave one of most famous quotes at the Morley schoolhouse: "You know no more concerning the destinies of this Church and kingdom than a babe upon its mother's lap.  You don't comprehend it...This Church will fill North and South America--it will fill the world."  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ also made an appearance in this area.    
 Baby birds, above Kirtland visitor center entrance.  
 My tour group for the Johnson home tour.
 Kirtland visitor center entrance.